Quick Start

from Docker

- Pull image
    docker pull marbatlle/multiAffinity

- Run tool
    docker run -ti -v "$(pwd)/sample_data:/tool/sample_data" -v "$(pwd)/output:/tool/output" marbatlle/multiaffinity multiaffinity <FILES> <OPTIONS>

- Arguments e.g.
    -c sample_data/sample1_data.csv,sample_data/sample2_data.csv -m sample_data/sample1_metadata.csv,sample_data/sample2_metadata.csv

from Github

- Clone repository
    git clone https://github.com/marbatlle/multiAffinity

- Activate environment
    conda env create --name multiaffinity --file environment.yaml
    conda activate multiaffinity

- Run tool 
    bash tool/multiaffinity <FILES> <OPTIONS>

- Arguments e.g.
    -c sample_data/sample1_data.csv,sample_data/sample2_data.csv -m sample_data/sample1_metadata.csv,sample_data/sample2_metadata.csv

from the iPC-VRE

This approach can also be computed through the individualized Paediatric Cure - Virtual Research Environment as demonstrated in this this video.